Details: Avalon Spring 2022 Sand Back Passing Project

Summary:  The Borough of Avalon has contracted with Mount Construction of Berlin, NJ to conduct a sand back passing project during Spring, 2022.  The project is intended to replenish north end beaches that are damaged during winter and spring storm events.  This winter, Avalon was subject to two severe winter storms in January, and a significant wind/erosion event in early April.  Approximately 64,000 cubic yards of sand will be back passed from a borrow area located between 32nd-38th street beaches to the fill area, located between the 9th-16th street beaches.  The Coastal Research Center at Stockton University confirms that sand from north end beaches is placed by natural currents and storm events to the fill area.  The Borough typically rents equipment with the project performed by the Avalon Department of Public Works; however, this year, rented equipment was not available due to various supply chain issues.  Back passing is conducted when there is no hydraulic beach fill scheduled in order to have a protective beach in advance of hurricane season, which begins June 1st.

Timeline:  By contract, the entire project must be completed no later than June 17, 2022.  The contractor intends to begin the project in late April/early May, 2022 and intends to work Monday through Thursday, or Monday through Friday of each week.  No work is anticipated to be conducted on weekends.  No work will be done between Thursday, May 26th-Monday, May 30th due to the Memorial Day holiday weekend.  The work schedule is wholly dependent on tide cycles and weather conditions.  The contractor expects to haul approximately 2,500-3,000 cubic yards each day of work.

Project Execution:  The area between 38th Street and 9th Street will be an active construction zone during the length of this project.  Heavy equipment will be operating in both the fill and borrow areas; trucks will be traversing along the Avalon beach between both points during work days.  The sand will be scraped in the borrow area, placed in a stockpile, with trucks running sand north on the beach to the fill area for placement.  The sand will be graded per beach templates provided by the United States Army Corps of Engineers.  Most, if not all, of the sand removed from the borrow area will be scraped below the high tide line to leave the dry beach as is.  The contractor plans on leaving no large stockpile of sand in the borrow area during Memorial Day weekend.  The project will be monitored by Mott MacDonald, the municipal engineer for Avalon.

Safety Issues:  The Borough is asking individuals not to place beach chairs or blankets in the area where truck tires appear on the beach as this is the area where trucks will travel throughout the day.  Parents are asked to monitor their children so they avoid coming in proximity to the heavy equipment, moving or parked, and stay away from hazards including sand piles and other areas marked off by safety fencing.  The safety of the public is our number one priority during all construction projects.  The beach will be open during this project.  Select beach paths in the north end have been closed due to erosion and safety concerns.


Single Use Container Ban Starts May 4